Many yoga journals and yoga alliances have conducted studies to pinpoint some of the trends in the yoga industry. However, the most important factor that leads to success un being a yoga instructor is knowing all about your students– why they turn to yoga workshops, what they expect from you as a teacher, what they value most when selecting a studio, and what you can do to make the class more interesting for them, so they keep coming back.
Here are some key takeaways given by the Tuscan Fitness Teacher Training …
Why most students turn to yoga…
- To improve their health
- To increase flexibility & fitness
- To reduce stress levels & become happy
- To work out
Things to make students more interested…
- Start up a yoga event in a park, beach, or any interesting public place
- Organize a yoga retreat with all your students
- Offer a free yoga class occasionally
Yoga students want their teacher to be…
- Warm & friendly
- Knowledgeable about all the poses
- Clear with instructions
- More helpful & approachable
Important studio traits to yoga practitioners are…
- Convenience
- Cost
- Cleanliness
- Personality of the teacher
- Quality of the instruction
Understand your Students…
- 59% of the yoga students go to the class between 2 to 4 times a week
- 75% of the yoga students have been practicing yoga for less than 5 years
- 98% of the yoga practitioners consider themselves to be on beginner to intermediate levels.
If you want to be a successful yoga instructor, take into consideration this information and learn how to better understand your students.